
Make Our Business Stories Memorable

How to Make Our Business Stories Memorable

Incorporating stories into our business communications can often help us become more effective at sharing our ideas at work. Since our brains are hardwired for stories, it might also help people remember what we said. The key to making your story memorable is to make sure that it has two things: emotion and personality.

Add Emotion to Our Business Stories

Emotion can help people connect with our messages, especially if they are able to see themselves or someone they know in the story. For example, sharing the story of how a new product was inspired by a particularly challenging morning of getting the kids off to school might help caregivers relate to the situation. Painting a picture for the people we are reaching of how hectic the morning was, interactions with the kids and bus driver, and more can help people identify with the problem so they understand the value of the new product.

By nature of being a story, we likely already have some emotional elements in there. But, it is a good idea to look at it again once we have the story written down to see if we can add any additional details to add some more emotion to it.

Add Personality to Our Business Stories

Additionally, we want to incorporate our personalities into our stories. We want to use our own voice and make sure the words we use are more conversational, which is especially important when we are saying the stories out loud.

Sharing a story with someone can be more personal than other types of business communications. Even if our story is about something that happened in the office, workshop, or other work environment with our colleagues or customers, we are usually sharing our perspective on it. By incorporating our own words and adding details that we feel are important, we can share our personalities with the people we want to reach.

How to Make Our Business Stories Memorable

Take Action

The next time you want to add a story to your project update, new client pitch, website copy, social media posts, and more, make sure you take a look first to see if it has some emotional elements and shows off your personality.

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