Classes + Workshops for Libraries

We have experience offering live and virtual classes and workshops at libraries to help your patrons grow communications skills to feel more confident at work. Below are sample class descriptions we have taught previously. Contact us to customize a session for your needs!

5 Tips to Dramatically Improve Your Presentations

Learn five tips to improve how you come across when you present to better get your message across – either in-person or virtually – and meet your business goals. We’ll talk through techniques to help improve the way you come across visually, vocally and verbally and why each of these elements is so important. 

Delivering Virtual Presentations

Do you need to present pitches, project updates, and other topics virtually but aren’t sure the best way to do it? Learn tips and advice to help get your message across, connect with your audience, and meet your business goals.

Public Speaking for Introverts

Learn how to use the strengths of your introversion to become a more powerful public speaker and share your ideas at work, whether it’s presenting an update at your next team meeting, giving a keynote, being interviewed for a podcast, and more.  

5 Common Writing Mistakes in Business and How to Fix Them

Learn about five common mistakes we make in writing our emails, reports and more at work. More importantly, find out how to fix them to make your writing stronger and better communicate your ideas so you can reach your business goals.

How to Tell Your Company’s Story

How many times in a month are you asked what you do for work? Having a good response to this question that sticks with people helps us stand apart from our competition and could potentially lead to business opportunities later on. We’ll walk through a framework together so you leave with a great answer to this question and feel confident making new potential connections, as well as a first draft of a written description that you can use on your website, in email, and elsewhere to describe your company.

How to Write a Killer Elevator Speech

How many times in a month are you asked what you do for work? Having a good response to this question that sticks with people helps us stand apart from our competition and could potentially lead to business opportunities later on. We’ll walk through a framework together, so you walk out of the class with a great answer to this question and feel confident saying it out loud to make new potential connections.