
What’s In It for Our Audiences?

Why Focusing on People Instantly Makes Us Better Communicators at Work

Feature Image What is in It for Our Audiences

Most people who need to share information at work focus first on the format they will use to communicate, such as giving an update during a meeting, sending an email summary, preparing a report, giving a presentation, or something else. But, as strategic communicators, we want to focus instead on what is in it for our audiences and how we can benefit them. In other words, we want to put our attention into connecting with and serving the people we want to reach. This is the path to achieving the business outcomes we want.

Create an Audience Profile

To help get inside their heads, it can be helpful to spend a few minutes brainstorming. Create a profile of the audience you plan to reach in your next work communication. Some questions to think through include:

  • Are they open to receiving the information or idea, or do we need to convince them?
  • What objections or concerns are they likely to have?
  • What questions will they have?
  • Are there specific data points or information they need to make a decision?
  • How can this information be helpful to them?
  • Will the future outcome of the project, program, or idea benefit them?

Depending on the situation and people involved, we may have multiple answers to these questions because different people will receive the information. Include any notes that come to mind during this brainstorming phase. The more you think through this and understand your audience’s perspective, the better off you’ll be once you start to prepare your content.

Focus on What is Most Important to Them

Next, we want to think about how we can use this knowledge. If possible, we want to tailor our content for the people who will read or hear it by using the words and topics that will best resonate with them and provide the necessary information to meet our business goals.

From the brainstorming exercise above, what are the one or two topics that are most important to our audience to focus on? For example, is there a potential challenge or confusion that we need to proactively address? Which pieces of information do they need to decide?

Communicate Directly to Our Audience

We want to use these insights to speak directly to our audiences in our communications. Use words and phrases that will resonate with the people we want to reach.

Additionally, it helps us structure our communication for success. Explain how people will benefit from this information in the beginning to hook them from the start. Address important topics at the start and sprinkle supporting points throughout the content to help reinforce it.

What is in It for Our Audiences

Take Action

Pick an upcoming communication. Spend 15 minutes brainstorming what is important to your audience. Then, spend a few minutes planning how to use this information as you build the content. The more you practice this, the more natural it will become as you plan out future communications.

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