
3 Ways to Share Employee Stories to Engage Customers

Business storytelling is a great addition to our content marketing plans. It can be an effective way to help connect with customers and illustrate different aspects of our companies. This can include using employee stories to help showcase the people behind the company’s products and services.

Sharing Stories to Engage Customers

Below are three ideas to consider sharing employee stories to help engage customers in different communication channels.

1. Website Articles

Articles on our website can give us a lot of flexibility to incorporate long form text, quotes, photos, videos, and other visual elements to help tell the story in a compelling way. Whether we make it a regular feature or whenever a good story makes it across our desks, we can show customers the “behind the scenes” in how our company runs. Consider different formats like a Q&A layout that reads like an interview with the employee, or a series of photos with captions.

2. Social Media Channels

Stories are great content for our company’s social media channels. Since we need to keep this content briefer than what we publish to our website, pick the most compelling photos, quotes, and key takeaways to feature. We can also include questions to encourage people to post on our content. Also be sure to let your employees know about the posts so they can consider engaging with the content and potentially sharing it with their networks as well.

3. Trade Shows and Conferences

If we participate in trade shows and conferences, our employees can help tell their stories and make connections with attendees. Employees who attend in person can participate in panels and speaking opportunities, or stand in the booths to informally interact with attendees. We can also create videos showing our employees’ stories that we can play in our booth.

Take Action

Reach out to a couple of employees to ask if they have any experiences they are willing to share outside of the company. For inspiration, check out our 6 Types of Employee Stories to Tell in Our Content Marketing. Talk through which channels they are comfortable with and be sure to include them in the content creation process so they are comfortable with what content is eventually published or shared.

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